City (Tashkent) from 8,500 sum

Minimum price (3 min and 1 km included) — 8,500 sum
Minimum price  — not more than 8,500 sum
Wait time — 3 min
Paid wait time  — not more than 650 sum/min
Thereafter inside city — not more than 2,120 sum/km,not more than 590 sum/min
Thereafter in suburbs
not more than 5,100 sum/km
Thereafter in suburbs
not more than 590 sum/min
Pet transport 
not more than 5,000 sum
I can only communicate in text
not more than 0 sum
I'm in a wheelchair
not more than 0 sum
I'm mute, but I can hear
not more than 0 sum
Help Find Car
not more than 0 sum
Wait time en route 
not more than 650 sum/min

Pricing for transportation services may vary. The maximum fare is indicated, not including the Rush Hour multiplier.

The price of a given trip indicated in the service may change depending on taxi company rates, reduced or increased rates applied due to Rush Hour pricing, in cases specified in the Terms of Use, as well as due to stops during the ride at the passenger's request, the destination being changed after the start of the ride, or in other cases.

A multiplier may be applied to ride fares during rush hours (high demand), as per the cases laid out in the Terms of Use.

There might be a pickup fee. A pickup fee will be added to the transport price and is calculated based on:
(1) the distance between the vehicle and the User's location and
(2) the time required for the vehicle to cover this distance.

There might be a request cancellation fee. A cancellation fee is charged in the following cases:
(1) the request is canceled by the service after the car has been dispatched or passenger no-show at the pickup location. The cancellation fee is calculated as the transport price for the time either from when the car actually arrived at the pickup point or the pickup time specified in the request information (whichever is the later) up to the moment the request is canceled, or it's equal to the minimum transport price for the corresponding service class. In the case of paid cancellations of requests to the airport, the city service class rate is applied, excluding the pickup fee, which is calculated as an out-of-city pickup according to the service class. In any event, the maximum cancellation fee will not exceed the cost of a ten-minute transport (including any free wait time included in the service class),
(2) cancellation in the service of a transport request with pickup fee 3 (three) minutes after confirmation in the service's interface. The cancellation fee for a transport request with a paid pickup is equal to the pickup fee,
(3) in other cases provided for by the Terms of Use of the service, depending on the user’s region.

The rates are valid until 30.04.2024.

Transfers for «Comfort+»

Suburbs — Airport 
not more than 11,500 sum
not more than 5,100 sum/km
not more than 590 sum/min
Wait time
not more than 3 min
Paid wait time 
not more than 650 sum/min
Pet transport 
not more than 5,000 sum
I can only communicate in text
not more than 0 sum
I'm in a wheelchair
not more than 0 sum
I'm mute, but I can hear
not more than 0 sum
Help Find Car
not more than 0 sum
Wait time en route 
not more than 650 sum/min